Led mobile spherical moon lamp, diesel generator will provide the energy needed for LED lamp operation. If necessary, the control panel can start and stop the generator. This ensures continuous operation of the lighthouse. In addition to the power supply for LED lights, the generator also supplies power for other electrical equipment.
HMF967 LED气动升降移动球形月球灯所述带发电机的应急照明设备是一款应急照明装置。凭借其亮度高,无眩光,是照亮音乐会,体育比赛等现场活动的理想之选,甚至可以放置在公众附近。也可以通过外部电源使用。可提供长达13小时的连续运行时间,这要归功于发电机组。气动升降杆升起后,空压机将自动关闭。
The emergency lighting device with generator described in hmf967 led pneumatic lifting mobile spherical moon lamp is an emergency lighting device. With its high brightness and no glare, it is an ideal choice for illuminating live activities such as concerts and sports competitions, and even placed near the public. It can also be used by external power supply. It provides up to 13 hours of continuous operation thanks to the generator set. When the pneumatic lifting lever is raised, the air compressor will automatically shut down.